The rampart-net module



The rampart-net module makes extensive use of the libevent2 library embedded in the main rampart executable as well as the OpenSSL library, imported from the rampart-crypto module.


The rampart-net module is released under the MIT license.

What does it do?

The rampart-net module allows the creation of network connections and servers in a manner similar to (but with significant differences from) the node.js net module.

All of the callback functions in rampart-net are asynchronously executed in rampart’s event loop unless stated otherwise.

All functions return their parent object, for chainability, unless otherwise stated.

Loading and Using the Module


Loading the module is a simple matter of using the require() function:

var net = require("rampart-net");

Socket Functions

new net.Socket()

In order to make a tcp connection to a server, a new Socket object must be created. The new net.Socket() statement returns functions to connect and communicate over tcp, with or without ssl/tls.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();
Return Value:
An object with the below listed function.


Make a new tcp connection.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();

socket.connect(options[, connect_callback]);

/* or */

socket.connect(port[, host][, options][, connect_callback]);


  • port - Required. The port of the server to which a connection will be attempted.

  • host - The hostname or ip address of the server. Default is

  • connect_callback is a callback Function` which is run after a connection is established and the “connect” event is emitted.

  • options is an Object with the following optional properties:

    • host - The hostname or ip address of the server. Default is
    • port - Required. A Number. The port of the server to which a connection will be attempted.
    • timeout - How long in milliseconds before a connection is terminated for inactivity (both read and write). Default is forever.
    • family - A Number. Must be 0 (the default), 4 or 6 to specify any ip family, ipv4 only or ipv6 only respectively. May be used if host above resolves to both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses to force the use of a particular one.
    • keepalive - A Boolean. If true set tcp keepalive on the connection. Packets will be transparently sent to the server to aid in keeping the connection alive (should it be necessary). See this document for more information. Default is false.
    • keepAliveInitialDelay - A Number. How many seconds to wait before sending the first keepalive packet. Has no effect unless keepalive above is true. Default is 1.
    • keepAliveInterval - A Number. How many seconds between sending keepalive packets. Has no effect unless keepalive above is true. Default is 1.
    • keepAliveCount - A Number. How many keepalive packets should be sent with no reply before disconnecting. Has no effect unless keepalive above is true. Default is 10.
    • tls - A Boolean. Whether to use SSL/TLS for the connection. Default is false.
    • ssl - Same as tls. If both set, ssl is ignored.
    • insecure - A Boolean. Whether to skip verification of the server’s credentials when making a connection over SSL/TLS. The default is false (i.e. check credentials and fail the connection if the server’s credentials are not verified).
    • cacert - A String. The path to the CA certificate store file, required to verify the server when using SSL/TLS. The default is system dependent (usually /etc/ssl/cert.pem on MacOS or /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt on Linux).
    • capath - A String. The path to the CA directory. CA certificates need to be stored as individual PEM files in this directory. No Default.
    • hostname - A String. Name to use to verify the server if different than provided in host above or if host is a numeric ip address. No Default.


Write data to the server. The parameter can be a String or a Buffer.

var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();

function mycallback(){
    // now connected, so we can write to server
    socket.write("hello world");

socket.on("connect", mycallback);

socket.connect(port, host);


Register a callback Function to be run when an event on socket is emitted.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();

socket.on(event, callback);


  • event is one of the following possible events for a socket:

    • connect - emitted after a connection has been established.
    • data - emitted after data has been received on the socket. The provided function takes one argument, the data received in a Buffer.
    • ready - For compatibility. Emitted immediately after “connect”.
    • drain - emitted when data has been written.
    • end - emitted when disconnected by the server. Note: “close” below will also be emitted.
    • timeout - emitted if the connection exceeds the provided timeout interval. Note: “close” below will also be emitted.
    • close - emitted whenever a connection is terminated.
    • error - emitted upon error. Note: if no error callback is registered for a socket, rampart will throw an error instead.
  • callback is a function. If error, function will have its first parameter be the error object/message. If data, function will have its first parameter be the received data in a Buffer.

Unregister a callback Function previously registered with socket.on. Function must be a named function.

Usage example:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();

function mycallback(){

function finishcb(){"connect", mycallback);"close",   finishcb);

socket.on("connect", mycallback);


socket.on("close", finishcb);


Same as socket.on, except the event will be removed after being called once. This is equivalent to calling off at the beginning of a callback, except with once, the function may be anonymous (unnamed).


var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();

    with on()

function mycallback(){
    // 'socket' and 'this' are the same"connect", mycallback);

socket.on("connect", mycallback);


/* with once */

socket.once("connect", function(){


Close the connection to server. The “close” event is emitted upon the actual disconnect.


Set a timeout and optional timeout event callback. This is a shortcut for setting timeout value (in milliseconds) in socket.connect and a callback using socket.on("timeout", mytimeoutfunc).

Usage example:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = new net.Socket();

function timedout(){
    console.log("connection timed out");

socket.setTimeout(5000, timedout); // five seconds


Set keepalive on or off, or adjust settings at any point while the socket is connected.


socket.setKeepAlive(enable[, initialDelay[, interval[, count]]]);

Where enable is a Boolean and the optional parameters are the same as in socket.connect().


Trigger functions registered with socket.on() for a named event.


socket.trigger(event[, argument]);

Where event is a String, the name of an event registered with socket.on(), and argument is optionally an argument to pass to the registered callbacks for the event.

Arbitarty events can be registered with socket.on(), and then called with this function.


A Number - the number of bytes written to the server for the current connection.


A Number - the number of bytes read from the server for the current connection.

Other socket properties

The socket Object may include these possible status properties:

  • connecting - Boolean. Whether the connection has been initiated, but not yet established.
  • connected - Boolean. Whether the connection has been established.
  • tsl - Boolean. Whether this is a secure connection.
  • destroyed - Boolean. Whether this connection has been closed or destroyed.
  • pending - Boolean. Whether a connection has not yet been attempted. true before connect is called and after close and/or end event. false after connection is established.
  • readyState - String. “open” when connected, “opening” after socket.connect() is called and undefined after close or before socket.connect() is called.
  • _events - Object. Registered callbacks for events.
  • timeout - Number. Timeout value, if set.
  • remoteAddress - String. IP address of the connected remote peer.
  • remotePort - Number. Port of the connected remote peer.
  • remoteFamily - String. IP version used for connection (ipv4 or ipv6).
  • _hostPort - Number. Same as remotePort
  • _hostAddrs - Object. Host address used for this connection returned from a call to new net.Resolver() by socket.connect() internally.
  • sslCipher - String. If tls is true, the name of the openssl cipher being used for this connection.

Socket Full Example

/* simulate a https request to */

var net = require('rampart-net');

var socket = new net.Socket();

socket.on("connect", function(){
    this.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n");

socket.on("ready", function(){

// http 1.0, server should disconnect us.
socket.on('end', function() {
    console.log("END EVENT");;

/* just to demonstrate multiple callbacks */

socket.on('data', function(data) {

socket.on('data', function(data) {

socket.on('close', function() {
    printf("Close - written: %s, read: %s\n", this.bytesWritten, this.bytesRead);

socket.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log("ERROR:", err);

socket.on('timeout', function(){


// now actually connect
    host: "",
    port: 443,
    tls: true

/* end of script, event loop started, connection made, callbacks executed */

    Expected results:


        HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently
        Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
        Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2022 06:19:02 GMT
        Expires: Sat, 06 Aug 2022 06:19:02 GMT
        Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
        Server: gws
        Content-Length: 220
        X-XSS-Protection: 0
        X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
        Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q043=":443"; ma=2592000,quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,43"

        <HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
        <TITLE>301 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
        <H1>301 Moved</H1>
        The document has moved
        <A HREF="">here</A>.

        END EVENT
        Close - written: 36, read: 703

Server Functions

new net.Server()

In order to listen for tcp connections from clients, a new Server object must be created. The new net.Server() statement returns functions to listen and create sockets to communicate over tcp, with or without ssl/tls.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var server = new net.Server([options ][,connection_callback]);


  • options is an Object of options:

    • tls - AKA secure - a Boolean - Whether to serve using ssl/tls. Default is false. If true, the sslKeyFile and sslCertFile parameters must also be set.
    • sslKeyFile: A String, the location of the ssl key file for serving over ssl/tls. An example, if using letsencrypt for “” might be "/etc/letsencrypt/live/". This setting has no effect unless tls or secure is true.
    • sslCertFile: A String, the location of the ssl cert file for serving over ssl/tls. An example, if using letsencrypt for “” might be "/etc/letsencrypt/live/". This setting has no effect unless tls or secure is true.
    • sslMinVersion: A String, the minimum SSL/TLS version to use. Possible values are ssl3, tls1, tls1.1 or tls1.2. The default is tls1.2. This setting has no effect unless tls or secure is true.
  • connection_callback - a Function - a callback executed when the connection event is emitted (when the server accepts a new connection). The “connection” event calls registered functions with a single parameter (the socket object, representing the socket connection to the client).

Return Value:
An object with the below listed function.


Set server to listen on the given port, and optionally ip addresses.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var server = new net.Server([ [options ][,connection_callback]]);

 server.listen(port[, host[, backlog]][, listen_callback]);

 /* or */

 server.listen(options[, listen_callback]);


  • port - A Number. The port upon which to listen. Required.

  • host - A String or Array of Strings. Hosts and/or IP addresses to bind. Default is "any" If unset or set to "any", it will bind all available IPV4 and IPV6 addresses.

  • backlog - A Number. The maximum length of the queue of pending connections. Default is 511.

  • listen_callback - A Function. A function to be executed when the “listening” event is emitted (when server starts listening).

  • options - An Object with the following properties:

    • port - Same as above.
    • host - Same as above.
    • backlog - Same as above.
    • maxConnections - Same as server.maxConnections() below.
    • family - A Number. Must be 0 (the default), 4 or 6 to specify any ip family, ipv4 only or ipv6 only respectively. May be used if host above resolves to both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses to force the use of a particular one.


Register a callback Function to be run when an event on server is emitted.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var server = new net.Server();

server.on(event, callback);


  • event is one of the following possible events for a socket:

    • connection - emitted after a new connection has been established. The callback is provided a socket object, connected to the client.
    • listening - emitted after server has binds to the given port and is ready to accept connection.
    • close - emitted when the server is terminated.
    • error - emitted upon error. Note: if no error callback is registered for the server, rampart will throw an error instead.
  • callback is a function. If error, function will have its first parameter be the error object/message. If data, function will have its first parameter be the received data in a Buffer.

Unregister a callback Function previously registered with server.on. Function must be a named function.


Same as server.on, except the event will be removed after being called once. This is equivalent to calling off at the beginning of the callback, except with once, the function may be anonymous (unnamed). See example for socket.once().


Get the number of connected clients.

Return Value:
A Number, the number of connected clients.


Set the maximum number of connections concurrently connected. The server will drop new connections if this number is reached. This function can be called at any time to set or adjust the connection limit.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var server = new net.Server();


Where max is a Number, the maximum allowed connections. Default is 0 (meaning no max) if no value is provided. Setting to a number greater than 4,294,967,295 or less than 0 is equivalent to setting 0. Actual system maximum number of connections varies by platform and settings.

Other server properties

The server Object may include these possible status properties:

  • listening - Boolean. Whether the connection has been initiated, but not yet established.
  • _events - Object. Registered callbacks for events.
  • tsl - Boolean. Whether server accepts secure connections.
  • sslKeyFile - String. The SSL/TLS key file, if provided
  • sslCertFil - String. The SSL/TLS cert file, if provided.
  • maxConnections - Number. maxConnections value, if set.
  • _hostAddrs - Array of Objects. Host addresses that the server is listening on as returned from a call to resolver.resolve() by server.listen() internally.
  • _hostPort - Number. The port used by the server.
  • backlog - Number. backlog value, if set, or the default of 511.

Server Full Example

/* Simulate an https server, return request headers as text */

var net = require('rampart-net');

var cert = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/";
var key =  "/etc/letsencrypt/live/";

var nc=0;

var server = new net.Server(
    function(socket) {

        /* assuming all request data will be provided in a single callback */
        socket.on('data', function(data){
            var ind = bufferToString(data);
            printf("connection %s, open connections %s\n", ++nc, server.connectionCount());
                "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" +
                "Content-type: text/plain\r\n" +
                "Content-Length: " + ind.length + "\r\n\r\n"

        .on('end', function(){
            console.log("peer ended connection ", this.remoteAddress);


        .on('close', function(){
            console.log("closed connection to ", this.remoteAddress);


server.on("error", function (err) {
    console.log("server err:",err);

.on("close", function () {
    console.log("server closed");

.on("listening", function(){
    printf("LISTENING. server properties:\n%3J\n", this);

    port: 8888,
    maxConnections: 1200

Output upon Start:
    LISTENING. server properties:
       "listening": true,
       "_events": {
          "connection": {},
          "error": {},
          "close": {},
          "listening": {}
       "sslKeyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/",
       "sslCertFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/",
       "tls": true,
       "maxConnections": 1200,
       "_hostAddrs": [
             "host": "",
             "ip4addrs": [
             "ip6addrs": [],
             "ipaddrs": [
             "canonName": "",
             "ip": "",
             "ipv4": ""
             "host": "::",
             "ip4addrs": [],
             "ip6addrs": [
             "ipaddrs": [
             "canonName": "::",
             "ip": "::",
             "ipv6": "::"
       "_hostPort": 8888,
       "backlog": 511


    GET / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
    Accept: * /*

Output after request:
    connection 1, open connections 1
    closed connection to  2001:db8::1


Resolve functions

The following functions are used to resolve a host name to one or more ip addresses.

new net.Resolver()

Create a new resolve object.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = new net.Resolver();


Resolve a host name to ip address.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = new net.Resolver();

resolver.resolve(host[, lookup_callback]);


  • host is a String - the host name to be resolved.
  • lookup_callback is a Function - an optional “lookup” event callback.

resolver.resolve() may be called multiple times at any time, however each time an anonymous function is provided as the lookup_callback, that additional callback will be run for each “lookup” event. Note that duplicate named functions are only run once per event.

var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = new net.Resolver();

/* console.log is run once per lookup */

resolver.resolve("", console.log);

resolver.resolve("", console.log);

In contrast:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = new net.Resolver();

/* console.log is run TWICE per lookup since two different
 * functions call it.                                       */

resolver.resolve("", function(hobj){console.log(hobj);});

resolver.resolve("", function(hobj){console.log(hobj);});


Resolve an ip address to host name.


var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = new net.Resolver();

resolver.reverse(ip_addr[, lookup_callback]);


  • ip_addr is a String - the ip address to look up.
  • lookup_callback is a Function - an optional “lookup” event callback.
See above. Note applies to resolver.reverse() as well.


Register a callback function for a resolver event. Currently, the only events are lookup and error.

Usage example:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = new net.Resolver();

resolver.on("lookup", function(hobj){
    rampart.utils.printf("%3J\n", hobj);

resolver.on("error", function(emsg){
    rampart.utils.printf("Resolver error: %s\n", emsg);



/* probable output:

       "host": "",
       "ip4addrs": [
       "ip6addrs": [
       "ipaddrs": [
       "ip": "",
       "ipv4": "",
       "ipv6": "2607:f8b0:4005:80f::200e"
       "host": "",
       "ip4addrs": [
       "ip6addrs": [
       "ipaddrs": [
       "ip": "",
       "ipv4": "",
       "ipv6": "2001:470:1:393::37"


Resolve a host name. This function is not asynchronous. The lookup will occur immediately, potentially before the event loop starts, and block further execution while waiting for an answer.

Usage example:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var hostobj = net.resolve("");

/* hostobj =
       "host": "",
       "ip4addrs": [
       "ip6addrs": [
       "ipaddrs": [
       "ip": "2001:4998:24:120d::1:0",
       "ipv6": "2001:4998:24:120d::1:0",
       "ipv4": ""



Resolve an ip address to a hostname. This function is not asynchronous. The lookup will occur immediately, potentially before the event loop starts, and wait for an answer.

Usage example:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var hostname = net.reverse("");

// hostname == ""

Shortcut Functions


Short cut for new net.Socket() and socket.connect(). AKA - net.connect().


var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = net.createConnection(options[, connect_callback]);

/* or */

var socket = net.connect(options[, connect_callback]);


  • options is an Object of options, the same as found in new net.Socket() and socket.connect() above.
  • connect_callback is a Function, the connect callback function.

This is equivalent to the following:

var net = require("rampart-net");

function netconnect(opt, cb) {
    var socket = new net.Socket(opt);
    socket.connect(opt, cb);
    return socket;

var socket = netconnect(options, connect_callback);

Alternate usage with port:

var net = require("rampart-net");

var socket = net.createConnection(port[, host][, connect_callback]);

/* or */

var socket = net.connect(port[, host][, connect_callback]);


Short cut for new net.Server() and server.listen().


var net = require("rampart-net");

var server = net.createServer(options, connection_callback);

/* or */

var server = net.createServer(port[, host[, backlog]][, connection_callback]);


  • options is an Object of options, the same as found in new net.Server() and server.listen() above.
  • connection_callback is a Function, the connection callback function.

This is roughly equivalent to the following (when using options above):

var net = require("rampart-net");

function makeserver(opt, cb) {
    var server = new net.Server(opt, cb);
    return server;

var server = makeserver(options, connect_callback);


Short cut for new net.Resolver() and resolver.resolve().


var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = net.resolve_async(host, lookup_callback);


  • host is a String - the host name to be resolved.
  • lookup_calback is a Function - the “lookup” event function.

This is equivalent to the following:

var net = require("rampart-net");

function resolve_async(hn, cb) {
    var resolver = new net.Resolver();
    resolver.resolve(hn, cb);
    return resolver;

var resolver = resolve_async(host, callback);


Short cut for new net.Resolver() and resolver.reverse().


var net = require("rampart-net");

var resolver = net.reverse_async(ip_addr, lookup_callback);


  • ip_addr is a String - the ip address to look up.
  • lookup_calback is a Function - the “lookup” event function.

This is equivalent to the following:

var net = require("rampart-net");

function reverse_async(ip, cb) {
    var resolver = new net.Resolver();
    resolver.reverse(ip, cb);
    return resolver;

var resolver = reverse_async(ip, callback);